District Attorney:

A public official who acts as prosecutor for the state or the federal government in court in a particular district.

Orleans Parish District Attorney


Why they matter? They’ve got powers[1]:

  • District attorneys have the power to choose which charges are filed against an individual accused of a crime.

  • When the police arrest someone, the district attorney's office has the power to prosecute those cases, divert the accused to a program or drug treatment, or dismiss the case altogether.

  • Power to determine bail and pre trial detention.

  • The DA has immense power in influencing an individual’s decision to enter into a plea deal or to take their case to trial.

  • During the sentencing phase of a trial, the judge’s decision-making is heavily influenced by the recommendations of the DA.

  • The difference between a guilty and not guilty verdict comes down to the evidence presented by the district attorney.

  • District attorneys have significant political sway when legislators consider sentencing legislation such as mandatory minimums, mandatory life without parole, or the use of risk assessment instruments.

  • Civil asset forfeiture is a legal mechanism that allows law enforcement to take and keep property it claims is connected to illegal activity, even without charging the property owner with a crime.

    • The district attorney's office decides whether to file a petition in court seeking forfeiture of the property. DAs decide what to forfeit (from houses and cars to very small amounts of cash), from whom, and under what circumstances.

Orleans Parish District Attorney Candidate Forum Hosted by Color of Change


PSC District 1


Orleans Parish and State November Races