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Weekly New Orleans Renters Rights Chat @NolaRenters

Hosted by: New Orleans Renters Rights Assemblyand Jane Place Neighborhood Sustainability Initiative

Every Thursday at 7:00pm, we are doing a Facebook Live chat to educate folks about what's going on via rental and mortgage policies + organizing to create a better world. This is also a space to get legal questions answered and/or researched by pro-bono housing attorney.

The chat is broadcasted via the New Orleans Renters Rights Assembly and the Jane Place Neighborhood Sustainability Initiative pages as well as the local New Orleans mutual-aid groups. If someone you know doesn't have Facebook, they can call-in via this number: 312-626-6799 (When asked for Meeting ID, press these numbers, 299411967)

You can post questions in the chat during the call or text at 504.517.5470. Please spread the word!

August 13

Barista Strike (Wed-Fri)

August 14

City Waste Union Strike