New Orleans is ready for change.
Host/Organizers: Eye On Surveillance; ACLU of Louisiana; New Orleans Workers' Center for Racial Justice; Peace By Piece NOLA; Jewish Voice for Peace New Orleans; Orleans Parish Prison Reform Coalition (OPPRC); Music and Culture Coalition of New Orleans; BARE NOLA; Ubuntu Village NOLA
On July 8, the Smart and Sustainable Cities Committee of NOLA City Council will discuss several Resolutions affecting PUBLIC SAFETY, before a Council-wide vote on July 16th!
Ordinance 33021 BANNING the city's use of Facial Recognition technology, other kinds of surveillance technology, and increasing city OVERSIGHT and ACCOUNTABILITY of surveillance use in New Orleans.
Surveillance tools like facial recognition technology maintain systems of WHITE SUPREMACY in New Orleans, disproportionately criminalizing Black and Brown communities. Surveillance has not been demonstrated to reduce crime, but do contribute to higher rates of INCARCERATION. Resolution 33201 is a concrete step towards DEFUNDING systems of policing that harm our community.
Join the Eye on Surveillance coalition to learn how SURVEILLANCE impacts you and how you can support positive CHANGE in our city.
Join via ZOOM here:
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