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Town Hall: Do You Really Think It’s Safe To Reopen Schools?


The only way we will have meaningful participation in important decision-making like this is to stand together and speak as one. That is why we have joined together with Rethink, Families and Friends of Louisiana’s Incarcerated Children (FFLIC), Step Up, Familias Unidas en Acción, and Orleans Public Education Network (OPEN) to co-host a virtual town hall meeting on Wednesday, July 8 from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. We are using the hashtag #AreWeSafeorNah. Register for the zoom meeting at

Please spread the word to all students, parents, teachers, paraprofessionals, school staffs, school contract workers (custodians, cafeteria workers, bus drivers, etc.), faith-community members, or concerned New Orleanians. We need to come together as stakeholders in public education. We have weathered storms like this before and we will weather this storm too—together in partnership, together in power.

July 8

Justice for the Westbank

July 8

Indivisible NOLA Judicial Candidates Forum